Ludmilla de luca perazzi

A black-and-white portrait of a woman's profile.
A black-and-white close up of a person’s torso.
  • Ludmilla is a photographic artist based in London, working between contemporary and alternative processes. Her practice reflects the presence of transient emotions and ideas drawn from personal experiences. By capturing intimate moments of introspection, her aim is to create work that is authentic and emotionally compelling. These realisations often find visual expression in the form of abstract self-portraiture as well as imagery of ephemeral scenes that are presented in simultaneously tangible and lasting ways.

    Instagram: @ludlpe

Caitlin Loi

A black-and-white self portrait of a woman holding a camera.
A black-and-white still life photo of a flower in a vase and its shadows.
  • Caitlin Loi is a British-Chinese visual artist based in London. Predominantly working with analogue photography, Loi’s work often focuses on themes which are drawn from her everyday surroundings and personal experiences. Whilst simultaneously embracing commonly overlooked moments translated through her imagery, her work embodies a sense of stillness and fragility. Loi’s photographic observations result in working between analogue and printmaking techniques where she additionally finds interest in alternative photographic processes. Her interests also surround image curation, the gallery space, and art direction.

    Instagram: @_caitlinl

Chagla Mehmet

A black-and-white portrait of a smiling woman with a camera hanging from her neck.
A black-and-white close up of a fig fruit.
  • Turkish Cypriot Photographer Chagla Mehmet explores nature intertwined with hidden histories, documents the intricate interplay between trauma, collective memory, and the symbiotic relationship between humanity and the land through her artistic lens. Her work uncovers obscured narratives, delving into the impact of erased histories embedded within plant life and natural landscapes to comprehend notions of place and identity.

    At the heart of Mehmet's exploration lies a deep dive into Cyprus, uncovering the often unseen correlations between human experiences of trauma and the stories silently etched into the landscapes. The land itself serves as a silent witness to history, preserving echoes of an enigmatic past within the physical imprints on the country’s ecosystems.

    Instagram: @challa__m

Dziuginta Mazulyte (Joy)

A black-and-white self portrait of a person holding a camera.
A black-and-white picture of a coastal landscape.
  • Džiuginta Mažulytė is a Lithuanian photographer based in London who holds a BSc in Psychology. Her practice explores the intra-action of homo sapiens and nature. Deeply interested in eco-somatics, she aims to transform personal and collective experiences with this practice into visual artworks. Mainly working with photography, Mažulytė attempts to shift the viewer’s gaze from an anthropocentric perspective and towards the acknowledgment of the interconnectedness of all matter. Significantly inspired by the more-than-human, her experimentation leaks into digital, analogue and alternative processes.