A self-portrait of a woman holding a camera.
Two darkroom trays containing two black-and-white pictures.


  • IG @witchy_work

    Alice is interested in photography in relation to other media as part of the process of documentation and self-creation. She is intrigued by the history of photography and its technological development. “I love this darkroom and the space it provides for experimental making as Naroa is not afraid of mistakes. Being able to try old and new photographic processes alongside lovely and creative people has been such a privilege“.

A picture of a smiley woman at night holding a drink.
A picture of a person lying down on the grass in a lush forest.

YILIN wong

  • IG @yilinwong & website

    Yilin‘s work is characterised by observations of people in relation to their environments, and to themselves. ”My time at the darkroom has been wonderful, I enjoy connecting with like-minded photographers while learning new techniques to expand my practice”.

A picture of a smiley woman wearing a camera, surrounded by cherry blossoms.
A surreal black-and-white picture in which a couple by the beach is watching towering buildings at the horizon.


  • IG @silva_nomarianna & @marianna_silvano

    Marianna is a photographer and audiovisual translator based in London. For her, analogue photography is the necessary antidote against our time’s linguistic inflation. Moved and intrigued by the ineffability of the present, she interprets photography as a way of being; it is a way of interacting with the world.

    "The internship enabled me to refine my darkroom skills, from developing to printing, and significantly broadened my creative horizons. With Naroa's invaluable mentorship, I now feel more confident in my photographic practice. The support and insights from fellow interns helped me truly immerse myself in a vibrant creative community."

Kotryna Kirilovaitė

  • IG @kotrynakirilovaite

    Kotryna is a visual artist, who uses analogue photographic methods to approach research through an exploratory process. Memory, its ambiguous nature, and the different phenomena it is encountered through, is the core subject of Kotryna’s practice. By encountering the dynamics between time, space and home within her work, Kotryna sees nostalgia as a witness of memory.

    “Being given a chance to create and learn in Lakeside Darkroom has been an exceptionally valuable experience as a practitioner. The guidance and support that Naroa has offered in the darkroom drives my creative curiosity and encourages me to continuously expand my knowledge of photographic methods.” 

LEVI Ocean

  • IG @mx.levi_

    Levi is a photographer and artist from Eastern Europe. Born in Sofia, Bulgaria, and currently living in London, England. Levi's work focuses mainly on trans and queer communities, as well as activism.

    "I am very thankful for Lakeside Darkroom, as it allowed me to explore alternative processing more deeply. Naora has provided us with the tools to experiment but also given us the knowledge to refine our understanding of the process."