The purpose of this workshop is to enjoy mistakes, let loose, and remove pressure. You'll learn how to do things correctly and then  you'll figure out what mistakes you want to make. Can an action be still consider a mistake if it was planned?  In analogue photography, taking the pressure off and playing with the possibilities makes everything much clearer. The mistakes we make help us grow. This session has a fun element, and repetition reinforces our understanding.


The course will start with an introduction to intentional mistakes: learn the basics of film photography and how to intentionally ruin your film. Use techniques such as double exposures, light leaks, and chemical mishandling to create controlled chaos. Discover how unpredictable factors can create beautiful, one-of-a-kind results by embracing the unexpected. Now, repeat some mistakes to see how challenging it is to recreate them exactly.


Date: choose a suitable time and date within our opening hours.
Location: Lakeside Darkroom (Lakeside Centre, Bazalgette Way, Southmere Lake, London, SE2 9AN)
What to bring: a film camera, a roll of B&W film, and a playful attitude!

4 hours